Skin Cancer Screening
Protect your skin with a professional skin exam. Catch skin cancer before it’s too late
Skin Cancer Is One Of The Most Common Cancers
Skin Cancer Screening is about early detection, prevention & treatment. Start by learning more about the basics of skin cancer:
The biggest cause of skin cancer is exposure to ultra violet light especially the sun.
The main types of skin cancer are Melanoma, Basal Cell Carcinoma and Carcinoma in Situ.
- Basal cell carcinomas are the most common ones and can be very disfiguring if not treated timeously. They are raised, transparent, pearly nodules that form on the skin, usually on the face and other sun-exposed areas.
- Squamous cell carcinomas are usually flat and scaly. Any sore that does not heal like normal is suspicious of being cancerous.
- Malignant melanomas is a type of cancer that develops from pigment containing cells. It can at first look like a freckle or an innocent mole that has been there for a long time, but a melanoma can appear anywhere on the skin. They can be small brown or black or larger, multi-coloured patches on the skin with an irregular outline. They may also become elevated, crusty and may even itch and bleed. But they all spread easily and are therefore the dreaded killers.
The Good News: Skin Cancer Is Both Easy To Identify And In The Early Stages Easy To Treat. Just Be Aware!
Therefore you should check your skin every three months to look for early signs of skin cancer.
Any new moles or any moles with changes (size, thickness, discolouration, bleeding or not healing, etc.) should be checked! If you find something that seems suspect to you, rather be on the safe side and have it checked out by your doctor
Remember The ABCDE Rule
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Remember The ABCDE Rule
A for Asymmetry (one half looks different from the other half)

B for irregular, blurred or jagged Borders

C for Colour variation

D for Diameter larger than 6 mm

E for Evolving over time (Before)

E for Evolving over time (After)

[ABCDE images credit: Skincancer.org]
The Nodular Melanoma is the most dangerous of them all. Look out for: Elevated above the skin | Firm to the touch | Growing
Who is more at risk of skin cancer?
- People who have lots of moles or large moles.
- People with a history of skin cancer themselves or in their family.
- People who had severe blistering or burning during their childhood or adolescence.
- People with light skin, blond or red hair and blue, green or grey eyes.
- People who have been/are exposed to sun very often.
- People who abuse (d) steroids to increase their sport performance.
Catch Skin Cancer Early! Don’t Get Caught!
About skin cancer doctor (Dr. Annemie Vander Straeten)
Dr. Annemie is a family physician with a special interest in skin cancer (melanoma). With the use of specialised equipment & software, Dr. Annemie is also able to examine your skin, scan your moles, identify suspicious ones and track changes over time should this be required.
One of the best Dr I have been to. She does more than just give you a prescription and take your money . She digs deeper at the cause and trys help holistically. She is super caring , very understanding and you can tell she has had allot of experience which makes you feel safe in her rooms . Thanks Dr !
Absolutely fantastic Doctor had two procedures done would highly reccomend for anyone seeking a consult was very reasonably priced.
The best Dr I have been to in a few years. Very helpful, Wealth of knowledge, Caring & Amazing!! Friendly staff.
Skin Cancer Detection
Skin Cancer Screening | Long Term Mole Tracking | Analysis of Moles | Detection of New Moles

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