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Save Your Skin, Save Your Life

Early Detection of Skin Cancer (Melanoma) is The Key

Mole Scanning: Detect Suspicious Moles Before It’s Too Late

Most moles are harmless but if even just one is cancerous (it’s called Melanoma), it can be fatal.

Melanoma: The Deadliest Form of Skin Cancer

If Melanoma is detected in an advanced stage, only about 15% of people survive it.

But if Melanoma is detected early, the chances of survival are as high as 98%!

It is very important to get suspicious moles examined regularly.

The ABCDEs of Melanoma?

Use the ABCDE “formula” as your guide to the warning signs of melanoma.

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About Doctor Annemie Vander Straeten

Dr. Annemie is a family physician with a special interest in skin cancer (melanoma). With the use of specialised equipment & software, Dr. Annemie is also able to scan your moles, identify suspicious ones and track changes over time should this be required.

If I had waited any longer to see doctor Annemie, the melanoma could have spread through my whole body. Mole mapping saved my life!
Jeanine G.

I was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma skin cancer after visiting doctor Annemie about a suspicious mole on my face. The mole was removed and thanks to doctor Annemie’s quick action, I’ve not had any further problems.
Brian W.

During my second mole scanning session, Dr. Annemie noticed that one of my moles had changed in shape & size. She removed the mole immediately and lab results showed the mole was malignant. Mole scanning prevented skin cancer from spreading further throughout my body.

Cynthia N.

Skin Cancer Detection

Skin Cancer Screening | Long Term Mole Tracking | Analysis of Moles | Detection of New Moles

Phone: 031 763 4738

32 Link Road
Waterfall, 3652, Durban